The Healthy Families Minnesota Family Centers Home Visiting Program has immediate openings for families who are expecting a child, or who have a child under 3 months of age.
If you're nervous about caring for a child, or just want more information about child development and what to expect, this is the program for you! This program supports parents in setting and meeting their own goals for their child, and for themselves. We feel that families deserve non-judgmental, unbiased support. We pride ourselves on serving families with empathy and care.
It is an evidence-based, nationally accredited program funded by those who believe in families, and believe that all families should have access to support. This program serves families prenatally till the child is 3 years of age, and your Family Support Specialist will be there for you every step of the way. The visits are once per week for an hour, right in the comfort of your own home. Your Family Support Specialist is on call for questions or concerns, even on days you don't have a scheduled visit. Contact your Family Support Specialist for detailed on-call hours.
We would appreciate your help in letting others know about this wonderful program! If you know someone who is expecting, please pass it along. Share on social media, or text them a link to our website. We do offer a referral bonus if the family referred remains in the program for 6 months or more. Thank you sharing!